Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving Reduced Inequality
Morgan Briggs
Ethics Researcher, Public Policy Programme, Alan Turing Institute
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving Reduced Inequality
Dr Brent Mittelstadt
Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute | member of the UK National Statistician’s Data Ethics Advisory Committee.
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving Gender Equality
Dr Erin Hatton
Associate professor of Sociology at the State University of New York at Buffalo | Author, The Temp Economy
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving Reduced Inequality
Dr. Brian Patrick Green
Brian Patrick Green is the director of technology ethics at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. Brian is also a member of the Safety-Critical AI working group at Partnership on Artificial Intelligence to Benefit People and Society and coordinates the Center’s partnership with The Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose, the Hackworth grant program, the Technology and Ethics Faculty Group, the Environmental Ethics Fellows, and several other initiatives.
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving Reduced Inequality
Dr. Geoff Mulgan
Professor of Collective Intelligence, Public Policy and Social Innovation at University College London, UCL after Nine year at Nesta. He has also joined the new International Advisory Board of the European Parliament's Science and Technology Options Assessment panel (STOA) from Jan 2021.
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving Quality Education
Professor Rose Luckin
Rose Luckin is Professor of Learner Centred Design at the UCL Knowledge Lab in London.Her research involves the design and evaluation of educational technology using theories from the learning sciences and techniques from Artificial Intelligence.
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving Quality Education
Prof. Dominik Boesl
Professor of digital sciences and automation at the University of Bayern
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving Quality Education
Prof. Ricardo Vinuesa
Ricardo Vinuesa is an Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering Mechanics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Ricardo does research in Aerospace Engineering, Fluid Dynamics and Artificial Intelligence.
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving Quality Education
Tamas Haidegger
Tamas is the director of the Óbuda University Research and Innovation Center (EKIK), and technical lead of medical robotics research at the Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics. His main field of research is on medical technologies.
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving Quality Education
Prof. Howard Li
Howard Li (PEng, PhD, IEEE Senior Member, IEEE Standards Board, IEEE Industry Activities Board) is a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Brunswick, Canada.
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving Zero Hunger
Dr. Ernest Mwebaze
Ernest Mwebaze is the head of the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (AIR) research lab at the School of Computing & IT, Makerere University - a lab that leverages computational techniques in Artificial Intelligence to address local problems in developing countries.
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving Quality Education
Alain Goudey
Alain GOUDEY is Chief Digital Officer and Full Professor of Marketing at NEOMA BS. He is also Founding Partner of AtooMedia, a sound communication and musical design agency, and its subsidiary, Mediavea, a retail space sound manager.
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving Quality Education
Edson Prestes
Edson is a Member, UN Secretary General’s High level panel on digital cooperation
Advisor, Carnegie AI & Equality initiative &Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving Quality Education
Sophie Kwasny
Sophie Kwasny is the Head of the Data Protection Unit of the Council of Europe and is responsible for standard-setting (notably the long-awaited modernisation exercise of Convention 108) and policy on data protection and privacy.
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving Quality Education
Prof. Mark Findlay
Mark is a Professor of Law at Singapore Management University, and Deputy Director of its Centre for AI and Data Governance. He has consulted with the World Bank, the ILO, the UNDP and many national aid agencies.
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving Zero Hunger
Ms. Anne Charlotte Mornington
Anne is the Head of Partnerships and Special Projects at OLIO a food sharing app designed to reduce food waste.
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving Zero Hunger
Mr. Felix Brooks-Church
Felix is the Co-founder & CEO at Sanku – a nonprofit social enterprise that enables small-scale maize millers to cost-effectively improve their flourwith lifesaving nutrients, serving the hardest to reach populations in Africa.
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving Zero Hunger
Dr. Heike Baumuller
Heike Baumuller is a Researcher at the Centre for Development Research at the University of Bonn focusing on the role of mobile technologies in increasing agricultural productivity among smallholder farmers.
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving Decent Work and Economic Growth
Alex Pentland
Alex `Sandy’ Pentland directs MIT’s Human Dynamics Laboratory and the MIT Media Lab Entrepreneurship Program, co-leads the World Economic Forum Big Data and Personal Data initiatives, and is a founding member of the Advisory Boards for Nissan, Motorola Mobility, Telefonica, and a variety of start-up firms.
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving Quality Education
Leo Chazalon
Leo Chazalon is the Design Lead at Castlelab and former design lead at Accenture. A top 10 UX designer, Adobe 2019.
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving Decent Work and Economic Growth
Professor Benjamin F. Jones
Benjamin F. Jones is the faculty director of the Kellogg Innovation and Entrepreneurship Initiative. He is former economic advisor in the U.S. Treasury and the White House.
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving Reduced Inequality
Abhishek Gupta
Abhishek Gupta is the Founder of Montreal AI Ethics Institute and a Machine Learning Engineer at Microsoft where he serves on the CSE AI Ethics review board.​
Allison Cohen
Allison Cohen is the Project manager of AI for Humanity at Montreal AI Ethics Institute and former AI Strategy Consultant, Deloitte Canada.
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving SDG8 : Decent Work and Economic Growth
Dr. Morgan Frank
Morgan Frank is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Informatics and Networked Systems and the Department of Information Culture and Data Stewardship at University of Pittsburgh. He is an MIT Connection Science Fellow&Research Affiliate at MIT's Media Lab.
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving SDG8 : Decent Work and Economic Growth
Jason Furman
Jason Furman was the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors under President Barak Obama’s Administration. He is Professor at the Department of Economics at Harvard University& a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.
The role of AI & Emerging Technologies in achieving SDG 8 : Decent Work and Economic Growth
Dr. Robert Seamans
Robert Seamans (PhD, UC Berkeley) is the formerSenior Economist for technology and innovation on President Obama's Council of Economic Advisers and an Associate Professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business.
Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Achieving SDG3 : Good Health and Well Being
Dr David D Luxton
David D. Luxton is the CEO of Luxton Labs LLC. He is a former Research Psychologist and Program Manager at the National Center for Telehealth and Technology (Defense Health Agency). He authored Artificial Intelligence in Behavioral and Mental Health Care (2015).